Polonia Bookstore Chicago



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New Books – Nowosci

New Books (Nowosci)

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0 out of 5

Эгги Мортон. Королева тайн. Тело под фортепиано (Aggie Morton, Mystery Queen: The Body under the Piano) – In Ukrainian

Original price was: $33.00.Current price is: $29.70.
Aggie Morton lives in a small town on the coast of England in 1902. Adventurous and imaginative but deeply shy, Aggie hasn’t got much to do since the death ofRead More
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0 out of 5

Обиральний день – In Ukrainian

Original price was: $27.50.Current price is: $24.75.
Portal Publishing 2020, 36 pages (hard cover)
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0 out of 5

Викрадений перстень – In Ukrainian

Original price was: $27.50.Current price is: $24.75.
Portal Publishing 2020, 36 pages (hard cover)
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0 out of 5

Нічийний хруль – In Ukrainian

Original price was: $27.50.Current price is: $24.75.
Portal Publishing 2020, 36 pages (hard cover)
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0 out of 5

Місяць над Кінбурном – In Ukrainian

Original price was: $27.50.Current price is: $24.75.
Portal Publishing 2020, 60 pages (hard cover)
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0 out of 5

Кісточка оливи – In Ukrainian

Original price was: $26.00.Current price is: $23.40.
Portal Publishing 2020, 36 pages (hard cover)
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0 out of 5

Химерний Київ. Легенди, лякачки та цікавинки

Original price was: $38.50.Current price is: $34.65.
Portal Publishing 2020, 144 pages (hard cover)
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0 out of 5

Хільбудій. Позичене ім’я – In Ukrainian

Original price was: $34.00.Current price is: $30.60.
Portal Publishing 2020, 288 pages (hard cover)
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0 out of 5

Поні (Pony) – In Ukrainian

Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $27.00.
Vivat Publishing 2023, 292 pages (hard cover)
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0 out of 5

Атака кухарок-демониць! (Attack Of The Demon Dinner Ladies) – In Ukrainian

Original price was: $38.50.Current price is: $34.65.
Artbooks Publishing 2023, 288 pages (hard cover)
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0 out of 5

Шпигунки з притулку Артеміда (Spies from the shelter “Artemis”) – In Ukrainian

Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $18.00.
Vivat Publishing 2023, 304 pages (hard cover)
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0 out of 5

Чарівні істоти українського міфу. Шкідники життя (Magical creatures of Ukrainian myth) – In Ukrainian

Original price was: $46.00.Current price is: $41.40.
Vivat Publishing 2023, 336 pages (hard cover)
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