FURIA LUDZI PÓŁNOCY Dzieje świata Wikingów (The Northmen’s Fury: A History of the Viking World)
Original price was: $44.00.$39.60Current price is: $39.60.
Wydawnictwo "Rebis" Poznań 2023, 488 pages (hard cover)
Original price was: $28.50.$25.65Current price is: $25.65.
Wydawnictwo "Znak" Kraków 2021, 464 pages (hard cover)
Original price was: $69.00.$62.10Current price is: $62.10.
Wydawnictwo "Demart" Warszawa 2021, 300 pages (hard cover)
GENDER Krótka historia (Gender: A World History)
Original price was: $21.50.$19.35Current price is: $19.35.
Wydawnictwo "RM" Warszawa 2021, 200 pages (soft cover)
MURY HISTORIA CYWILIZACJI (Walls: A History of Civilization in Blood and Brick)
Original price was: $29.50.$26.55Current price is: $26.55.
Wydawnictwo "WAB" Warszawa 2021, 352 pages (hard cover)
CZAS GIERKA Epoka socjalistycznej dekadencji
Original price was: $25.00.$22.50Current price is: $22.50.
Wydawnictwo "Bellona" Warszawa 2021, 336 pages (soft cover)
NOWE JEDWABNE SZLAKI (The New Silk Roads The Present and Future of the World)
Original price was: $28.50.$25.65Current price is: $25.65.
Wydawnictwo "Wab" Warszawa 2021, 352 pages (hard cover)
BERLIN 1945 Upadek (The Fall of Berlin 1945)
Original price was: $44.00.$39.60Current price is: $39.60.
Wydawnictwo "Znak" Kraków 2021, 579 pages (hard cover)
OBLICZA ZŁA HESS Fanatyczny wyznawca
Original price was: $42.00.$37.80Current price is: $37.80.
Wydawnictwo "Prószyński" Warszawa 2021, 496 pages (hard cover)
TŁUSZCZ LECZY CUKIER ZABIJA (Fat Heals, Sugar Kills: The Cause of and Cure to Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, Obesity, and Other Metabolic Disorders)
Original price was: $33.00.$29.70Current price is: $29.70.
Wydawnictwo "Vital" Białystok 2021, 408 pages (soft cover)
ZAPIS ZARAZY Tom 2 To tylko eksperyment
Original price was: $26.00.$23.40Current price is: $23.40.
Wydawnictwo "Reporter" Warszawa 2021, 304 pages (soft cover)
HIACYNT PRL wobec homoseksualistów
Original price was: $25.00.$22.50Current price is: $22.50.
Wydawnictwo "Czarne" Wołowiec 2021, 312 pages (hard cover)