Polonia Bookstore Chicago



Dear Readers, The Bookstore will be closed June 21st- July 5th. All orders placed between June 20th, 2024 and July 5th, 2024 will be processed and shipped starting with June 8th, 2024. We appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience.
Best Seller

ANGIELSKO-POLSKA BIBLIA DLA DZIECI English – Polish Children’s Bible

Availability: In stock

Original price was: $38.50.Current price is: $34.65.

Wydawnictwo “Vocatio” Warszawa 2023, 416 pages (hard cover)

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Author: Collective ISBN: 978-83-7829-209-8 Language: Polish-English Publisher: Vocatio Availability: 24h Year Published: 2023 Categories: , , ,

“Bible stories in this book were written using a concept of Easy International English developed by the “Voice of America” broadcasting service. Easy English vocabulary is limited to 1,500 words that are commonly used in everyday living in English-speaking countries. Additional words used in this book are not included in the “Voice of America” dictionary, were carefully selected to accommodate important Christian vocabulary to express biblical concepts”. / “Opowiadania biblijne zawarte w tej ksiazce zostaly napisane z uzyciem latwej, miedzynarodowej wersji jezyka angielskiego, opracowanej przez serwis radiowy “Glos Ameryki”. Slownictwo latwego jezyka angielskiego zostalo ograniczone do 1500 slow powszechnie uzywanych w codziennum zyciu w krajach anglojezycznych. Dodatkowe wyrazenia uzyte w tej ksiazce, a ktore nie sa zawarte w slowniku “Glosu Ameryki”, zostaly starannie dobrane z zakresu waznych pojec chrzescijanskich koniecznych dla przekazania tresci biblijnych”.
