“Cwiczenia leksykalne i gramatyczne, a zarazem rozwijajace poszczegolne sprawnosci. Niezwykle wartosciowe jest tez ich zroznicowanie pod wzgledem stopnia trudnosci, stwarza bowiem nauczycielowi mozliwosc dostosowania trybu nauki do indywidualnych potrzeb ucznia. Ambitniejszym mozna podsunac cwiczenia poszerzajace leksyke czy wymagajace wiekszej samodzielnosci w poslugiwaniu sie jezykiem. Tych slabszych uciesza alternatywne, czesto uproszczone, wersje cwiczen do nagran czy tekstow z podrecznika, a takze klucz do cwiczen i transkrypcje wiekszosci nagran.
Zeszyt cwiczen 2 is the next book from our coursebook and resource series on teaching and learning Polish as a foreign language. Each of 23 chapters consists of carefully chosen exercises which extend the material introduced in the coursebook ,,Polski, krok po kroku 2.’’ The tasks help students to revise and/or refresh the grammar and lexis as well as facilitate further developing of all the language skills. Apart from grammatical exercises, there is a variety of new texts and dialogues based on the lexis already taught. The accompanying CD includes 127 recordings in the mp3 format. It is worth mentioning that the language on the CD is natural and contemporary as used by native speakers of Polish. The recordings could be an inspiring resource for any teacher of Polish as a foreign language who could design their own materials on the basis of the CD”.