Polonia Bookstore Chicago



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Jonka Jonek i Kleks

Availability: In stock

Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $10.80.

Wydawnictwo “Egmont” Warszawa 2015, 62 pages (soft cover)

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Author: Pawel Szarota ISBN: 978-83-2374-772-7 Language: Polish Availability: 24h Year Published: 2015 Categories: , ,

“Kleks zaangazuje sie w konflikt pomiedzy producentem dlugopisow i flamastrow, bezwzglednym prezesem Jolskym z firmy Uniflamaster, a poczciwym panem Mastersem, szefem Interinkaustu produkujacego znakomite piora i atramenty”.


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Jonka Jonek i Kleks”

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